Learn the answers to the top 10 questions we receive from patients before getting braces.

Whether you’re getting braces, or it’s your child that is about to get braces, the idea of braces and all of the questions associated with what happens during the process and how they will affect yours or your childs life can begin swirling around in your mind. It’s no wonder, we receive countless questions from patients that include things like: Will braces hurts? How long will I have to wear braces? Am I still able to eat the foods I usually do? While some of these questions are best left to asking the doctor directly, some can be answered here because they are universal, or at least nearly so.

Below, are the top 10 questions that we receive at Ahava Orthodontics: Your Fort Worth Orthodontist.

Can Crooked Teeth be Prevented?

Crooked teeth are often a product of genetics, making them difficult to prevent entirely. However, certain habits in early childhood, such as thumb-sucking or prolonged use of a pacifier, can contribute to tooth misalignment. Regular dental checkups from a young age can help identify and manage these issues early. Practicing good oral hygiene can also minimize the risk of tooth decay, which can lead to misalignment. Therefore, while not all instances of crooked teeth can be prevented, early interventions can mitigate some common causes.

Questions to Ask Before Getting Braces

What is the Best Age for Braces?

The best age for braces can depend on the individual’s specific needs and the nature of their dental issues. However, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic check-up at the age of seven. This doesn’t necessarily mean treatment will begin at this age, but it allows for early detection and planning. Early intervention can sometimes prevent more serious alignment issues down the line. So, while the ‘best’ age for braces can vary, early assessment is universally beneficial.

What Do I Need for My Child’s Orthodontist Visit?

When preparing for your child’s first orthodontic visit, remember to bring along their medical and dental history. If your child has had dental x-rays in the past, bring these along as well. A list of any medications your child is currently taking can also be helpful. Don’t forget to have your dental insurance information on hand, if applicable. Lastly, ensure your child is prepared for a physical examination of their mouth and teeth.

What Do I Need to Know About My Child’s Daily Life with Braces?

When your child gets braces, certain lifestyle changes will be necessary. They’ll need to avoid certain foods that could damage the braces, like hard candies or sticky foods. They’ll also need to keep their teeth and braces clean, which involves regular brushing and flossing to avoid food getting stuck in the braces. There might be some discomfort or soreness, especially after adjustments, but this usually eases after a few days. Lastly, they’ll have to attend regular check-ups for adjustments and to monitor progress.

How Long Will My Child Have Braces?

The duration of treatment with braces can vary greatly depending on the severity of the dental issues. On average, most people wear braces for one to three years. However, your orthodontist will be able to provide a more accurate timeline based on your child’s individual case. Patient compliance, including good oral hygiene and regular orthodontic visits, can also affect treatment duration. Keep in mind that even after the braces come off, your child may need to wear a retainer to maintain the new alignment.

Will You Fix My Child’s Bite/Occlusion?

Correcting malocclusions, or misaligned bites, is a significant part of orthodontic work. A properly aligned bite enhances not just the cosmetic aspect but also the functional efficiency of the oral cavity. It allows for better chewing and speaking capabilities and reduces the risk of future dental problems. Various treatment options exist depending on the type of malocclusion. Your orthodontist will recommend the best one suited for your child’s needs.

Do All My Child’s Teeth Need Brackets?

Whether or not all your child’s teeth will need brackets depends on their individual dental needs. In some cases, braces may be required on every tooth to provide even pressure and achieve desired results. However, in other situations, only certain teeth may need to be fitted with brackets. The orthodontist’s goal is to deliver the best results with minimal discomfort and inconvenience to the patient. You’ll discuss this in detail with the orthodontist, who will develop a treatment plan tailored specifically for your child.

Have You Treated Many Cases Similar to Mine?

As experienced orthodontists, we have treated a wide array of cases, many of which may share similarities with your child’s situation. While each patient is unique, our extensive experience equips us with the skills needed to address a variety of orthodontic concerns. If you’re interested, we can show you before-and-after photos of similar cases. This can give you a sense of what to expect from the treatment process. It’s our priority to make sure you feel confident and comfortable with the level of care we provide.

What’s the Difference in Having You as an Orthodontist vs. a Dentist in Doing Braces?

Orthodontists and general dentists start in the same place: dental school. However, upon completion, orthodontists embark on a further two to three years of specialized education, focusing exclusively on orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. This extra training prepares orthodontists to correctly diagnose and treat complex misalignments of teeth and jaw. While some dentists may offer orthodontic treatments, they do not possess the same level of specialized education and training. Choosing an orthodontist for braces ensures that you are receiving care from a highly trained professional in this specific field.

Why Should I Take My Child to Ahava Orthodontics?

At Ahava Orthodontics, we prioritize not just the outcome, but also the experience. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that both you and your child feel comfortable and informed throughout the entire treatment process. We leverage the latest technology and treatment techniques to deliver the highest quality of care. Our orthodontists are highly trained and have a wealth of experience treating a variety of orthodontic cases. Above all, we believe in delivering treatment with love, compassion, and a commitment to excellence, ensuring that your child’s journey towards a beautiful smile is a positive one.

While these answers may resolve some new questions on your mind about braces for you or your child, every orthodontic treatment is customized to the patient, and the needs as well as the results can vary. We hope to help you find all of the answers to your questions before you make this very important decision for your or your childs smile. Please give us a call and schedule an appointment to consult with Dr. Barron at Ahava Orthodontics in Fort Worth about the best orthodontic treatment for your family.